Plants Diseases and Pests

A detailed catalog of diseases and pests causing problems to garden plants. Identify the problem. Learn about the disease or the pest. Learn how to remedy.

Penicillium fruit rots

Penicillium fruit rots

Penicillium fruit rot is a postharvest rot that causes very severe damage (up to 100%) to citrus, apple, vine and vegetable crops. Additional damage is also caused by ethylene produced by the pathogenic fungi, which, because it increases fruit respiration, reduces the lifespan of healthy fruit in the same storage area as the affected fruit. […]

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March flies

March flies

March flies usually live on dead organic matter, but can infest many crops, such as cereals, beets, potatoes. Scientific name: Bibio hortulanusGreek name: Προνύμφες Bibionidae Damage Eat holes on seed and seedlings lead to empty plant spot in the field. Eat holes on plant roots result in wilting and dying of plants. In beets and

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Cotton bollworm

Cotton bollworm

Cotton bollworm attacks cotton, corn, potatoes, tobacco, vegetables. Scientific name: Helicoverpa armigeraGreek name: Πράσινο Σκουλήκι Damage The young larvae feed on the leaves and then on the bracts, which fall off. The damage is most severe on the boll. On the outside of the affected boll, the entrance hole and the larval excrement can be

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Green peach aphid

Green peach aphid

Green peach aphid attacks many crops, such as beets, potatoes, beans, peach trees, tomatoes, almond trees, plum trees, nectarines. The main preferred host is the peach tree. It is a polyphagous and cosmopolitan species. Scientific name: Myzus persicaeOther name: Greenfly, Peach-potato aphidGreek name: Πράσινη Αφίδα της Ροδακινιάς Damage Green peach aphids form colonies on the

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Tomato late blight

Tomato late blight

Tomato late blight attacks the tomato fruits and green parts of tomatoes. Scientific name: Phytophthora infestansOther name: Late blightGreek name: Περονόσπορος της Ντομάτας Symptoms of tomato late blight Tomato late blight attacks the tomato fruits and green parts of tomatoes. The infestation starts on the lower leaves, where yellowish irregularly shaped spots (“oil spots”) appear.

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Potato late blight

Potato late blight

Potato late blight attacks the green parts and tubers of potatoes. Scientific name: Phytophthora infestansOther name: late blight, potato blightGreek name: Περονόσπορος της Πατάτας Potato late blight symptoms Potato late blight attacks the green parts and tubers of the potato. The infestation starts on the lower leaves, where yellowish, irregularly shaped spots appear. These areas

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Downy mildew of cucurbits

Downy mildew of cucurbits

Downy mildew of cucurbits causes severe to devastating infestations on cucumber. Scientific name: Pseudoperonospora cubensisGreek name: Περονόσπορος Κολοκυνθοειδών, Ψευδοπερονόσπορος Symptoms On leaves it causes chlorosis in extensive angular areas between nerves. As the infestation progresses, the leaves dry out and fall off. Whole plants may also dry out. With favorable moisture conditions the white exanthem

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Grape downy mildew

Grape downy mildew

Grapevine downy mildew is the most important problem in viticulture worldwide, because it can cause total destruction of production. In Greece, it appeared for the first time in 1881 in Messinia. Since then it has been endemic in Greece, threatening especially areas with high atmospheric humidity conditions (e.g. western Peloponnese). Scientific name: Plasmopara viticolaOther name:

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Black Vine Weevil

Black Vine Weevil

Black Vine Weevil is a nocturnal insect, and during the day it hides in the ground. In Greece, it particularly attacks Sultanina and Corinthian raisins and is widespread in the Peloponnese and Crete. Scientific name: Otiorhynchus ap.Other name: Snout Beetle , Vine WeevilGreek name: Οτιόρρυγχος Damage It attacks (eats) the buds and tender parts of

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Blossom End Rot

Blossom End Rot

Blossom end rot is a common problem that occurs on tomatoes, but also on peppers and eggplants. Other names: Black rot, Dry rotOther names: Ξηρή Σήψη, Ξηρή Κορυφή, Τάπωμα Symptoms Blossom end rot is a common problem that occurs on tomatoes, but also on peppers and eggplants. The appearance of the problem starts with a

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Stem nematode damage

Stem nematode

Stem nematode is found on various cultivated and native plants. Scientific name: Ditylenchus dipsaciOther name: The stem and bulb eelworm, Onion bloat (in UK)Greek name: Νηματώδης Στελεχών και Βολβών Damage Affected plants show delayed growth and severe dehiscing. The seedlings at the base show bulb-like lumps and the leaves curl, twist or are completely deformed.

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Root-knot nematode

Root-knot nematode

Root-knot nematode attack tomatoes and other solanaceae plants, cucurbits (mainly from the genus Meloidogyne spp.), leafy vegetables (from the genus Globodera spp., Pratylenchus spp.) Scientific name: Meloidogyne spp., Globodera (Heterodera) rostochiensis, G. schachtii, G. cruciferae, Pratylenchus spp.Greek name: Νηματώδεις Damage In field locations, plants exhibit delayed growth, and on the roots, cysts (Globodera spp.) or

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Eutypa dieback

Eutypa dieback

The disease of Eutypa dieback (Gummosis) is very widespread in Greece and causes very serious damage to stone fruits, especially to apricot (die back, gummosis), vine (dying arm), citrus (especially lemon) and pistachio tree. Scientific name: Eutypa lata (Eutypa armeniacae), Diatrypaceae, Cytosporina lata (Libertella blepharis)Other name: Die back, Gummosis, Dying armGreek name: Νέκρωση Βραχιόνων Symptoms

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Beet leaf miner damage

Beet leaf miner

Beet leaf miner mainly attacks spinach, beets, but also other plants of the Chenopodiaceae family (eg Amaranthus). Scientific name: Pegomya hyoscyamiOther name: Spinach leaf minerGreek name: Φυλλορύκτης των Τεύτλων Damage Grey, translucent areas appear on the leaves. Often between the epidermis of the upper and back surfaces of the leaf, larvae can be seen inside

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Carrot fly damage

Carrot fly

Carrot fly is a small insect that mainly attacks carrots. It is the larvae of the insect that is responsible for the infestation and eats the outer layers of the carrot root. In the autumn, they may enter further into the carrot root extending the infestation. Scientific name: Chamaepsila rosaeOther name: Rust FlyGreek name: Μύγα

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Spotted snake millipede

Spotted snake millipede

Spotted snake millipede generally live on dead organic matter. However, some species, including notably Blaniulus guttulatus, also attack cultivated plants, mainly beetroots and potatoes. Scientific name: Blaniulus guttulatusGreek name: Μυριάποδα – Μπλανίουλος Damage In the field or the garden, you spot empty plant positions. Young plants wilt and die. Below ground seeds or seedlings may

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Cockchafer May bug

Cockchafer or May bug

Cockchafer or May bug is widespread and can be found in almost all crops. They cause serious damage especially to root crops. Scientific name: Melolontha melolontha, M. hippocastaniMore names: Chafer grubs, Doodlebug, May bug, Common cockchaferGreek name: Μηλολόνθη ή Ασπροσκούληκο Damage Cockchafer or May bug eat the roots and young plants turn yellow, show wilting

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Black bean aphid

Black bean aphid

Black bean aphid attacks solanaceae, cucurbits, leafy vegetables, legumes, ornamental and native plants. Scientific name: Aphis fabaeGreek name: Μαύρη Αφίδα των Κουκιών Damage The leaves are often twisted. Aphids form dense colonies on the back surface of the leaves and exude honeydew. Plants show delayed growth. They transmit the beet jaundice virus, which causes the

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Bacterial soft rot

Bacterial soft rot

In Greece, bacterial soft rot can cause significant damage due to the favorable conditions (high temperature, heavy irrigation). Scientific name: Erwinia carotovoraOther name: Soft rot, stem rot, bacterial stem rotGreek name: Μαλακή Σήψη Τεύτλων Symptoms Bacterial soft rot affects the roots and stems. A pinkish-brown rot develops on the affected roots, which then takes over

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Serpentine leafminer

Serpentine leafminer – Liriomyza

Serpentine leafminer – Liriomyza affects solanaceae plants, cucurbits, leafy vegetables, legumes, ornamental and native plants. Scientific name: Liriomyza brionyae, L. huidobrensis, L. trifoliiGreek name: Λιριόμυζα Damage Serpentine leafminer larvae pierce serpentine like tunnels in the leaves, feeding on the parenchyma. Destruction of the leaf surface by the tunnels or leaf drop, results in a reduction

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