
How to grow carrots in your garden

Want to know how to grow carrots? Scientific name of carrots: Daucus carota, οικ. Umbelliferae. Description of the carrot plant The carrot originated in Asia but is nowadays cultivated all over the world. The carrot is an edible species grown as a vegetable and belongs to the family Apiaceae or Umbelliferae ( Carrot or Parsley […]

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Wireworms larvae usually live on dead organic matter, but can attack many crops, such as cereals, carrots, beets, potatoes. Scientific name: Agriotes lineatus, ElateridaeGreek name: Σιδηροσκούληκα Damage Eat holes in the seed and seedlings lead to empty plant spots in the field. Eat holes in plant roots result in wilting and killing of plants. In

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Carrot fly damage

Carrot fly

Carrot fly is a small insect that mainly attacks carrots. It is the larvae of the insect that is responsible for the infestation and eats the outer layers of the carrot root. In the autumn, they may enter further into the carrot root extending the infestation. Scientific name: Chamaepsila rosaeOther name: Rust FlyGreek name: Μύγα

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Spotted snake millipede

Spotted snake millipede

Spotted snake millipede generally live on dead organic matter. However, some species, including notably Blaniulus guttulatus, also attack cultivated plants, mainly beetroots and potatoes. Scientific name: Blaniulus guttulatusGreek name: Μυριάποδα – Μπλανίουλος Damage In the field or the garden, you spot empty plant positions. Young plants wilt and die. Below ground seeds or seedlings may

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Violet root rot

Violet root rot

Violet root rot is a very widespread disease in all areas where beet and carrots are grown and in all soil types. Its control is considered necessary because the fungus continues to grow on the plants after harvest, infecting very quickly neighboring roots and causing significant losses due to rot. Scientific name: Helicobasidium purpureum, Rhizoctonia

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