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Olive Trees Growing Guide. Book from the University of Agricultural Technology of TEI of Crete, Greece. 292 pages

I discovered this little treasure trove of knowledge that describes everything one wants to know about the proper cultivation of the olive tree and I want to share it with you. The thesaurus is a PDF file from the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece. A series of scientists from the Technological Educational […]

Olive Trees Growing Guide. Book from the University of Agricultural Technology of TEI of Crete, Greece. 292 pages Read More »

handbook cherry cultivation Greek

Handbook for cultivation of cherry trees (in Greek) from DDFT and ΕΛΓΟ Δήμητρα

A useful Handbook for cultivating cherry trees. The Department of Deciduous Fruit Trees (DDFT), in cooperation with Ελληνικός Γεωργικός Οργανισμός “Δήμητρα”, taking into account the growing interest of farmers in Greece and the shift of many of them to cherry cultivation, proceeded in 2011 and 2013 to the compilation of a useful Handbook for Cherry

Handbook for cultivation of cherry trees (in Greek) from DDFT and ΕΛΓΟ Δήμητρα Read More »

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