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Household products that can be used as disinfectants for Coronavirus COVID-19 – Truths and Myths

Disinfection and cleaning in the home should be done daily as one of our protection measures against COVID-19 and as one of our contributions to making it harder to spread. The ideal products for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces inside the home, and our hands, are the certified disinfecting products and wipes for this use that

Household products that can be used as disinfectants for Coronavirus COVID-19 – Truths and Myths Read More »

συγκομιδή σταφυλιών

How to Make Must from Grapes

August is the season when the grape picking begins in most areas of Greece. In many areas, it extends into September or even October depending on the variety. This is the time to enjoy the fruits of the vine. It is the time when the efforts of the year will be justified. The vine that

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homemade melomakarona

Greek Melomakarona recipe for Christmas

If there is one time of the year when the house should have beautiful and sweet smells, it is Christmas! I followed Stelios Parliaros’ recipe for melomakarona to make melomakarona and make the house smell like Christmas! What are Greek Melomakarona? I copy from Wikipedia’s Melomakarono. “The melomakarono (Greek: μελομακάρονο plural: μελομακάρονα, melomakarona) is an

Greek Melomakarona recipe for Christmas Read More »

homemade organic insecticides

7 recipes for homemade insecticides for plants, with simple ingredients that all have at home

With these recipes we can make 7 eco-friendly insecticides with materials we all have at home or can easily get. We use red cayenne pepper, leaves from aromatic plants, cottonseed oil, garlic, tomato leaves, diatomaceous earth and alcohol. The most chemical of all the ingredients, is dishwashing liquid! Start using these eco-friendly insecticides at the

7 recipes for homemade insecticides for plants, with simple ingredients that all have at home Read More »

tomatoes, peppers, zucchini

Tomato support with reeds – Tomatoes, peppers, zucchini – Produced from your garden

How can tomatoes be supported with reeds? This year’s production in the garden is abundant. Tomatoes, peppers, zucchinis and soon eggplants. This year I listened to the advice of Sofianos, my agronomist friend, and bought seedlings of tomato seedlings of the “Acorn” variety. As Sofianos predicted, the production is abundant and without problems. Bunches of

Tomato support with reeds – Tomatoes, peppers, zucchini – Produced from your garden Read More »

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