New olive trees from offshoots

New olive trees from offshoots?

I’ve wanted to do it for a long time, but I kept saying leave it for later. In my village they call it Procrastination. So today, I cut 4 offshoots from our olive tree that makes big, perfect fruit for edible olives. i lovingly “stoned” their limbs and put them in rooting hormone. I planted […]

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Πόσα χρόνια ζουν τα δέντρα - Πορτοκαλιά

How many years do fruit trees live?

In this article you will find information about the life span of fruit trees in years and after how many years they start to produce fruit. You will find information about: Almond tree, Pear tree, Apricot tree, Damask tree, Olive tree, Citrus tree (Lemon, Orange, Mandarin), Walnut tree, Cherry tree, Cherry tree, Pine tree, Cinnamon

How many years do fruit trees live? Read More »

καλλιέργεια ελιάς

Olive Trees Growing Guide. Book from the University of Agricultural Technology of TEI of Crete, Greece. 292 pages

I discovered this little treasure trove of knowledge that describes everything one wants to know about the proper cultivation of the olive tree and I want to share it with you. The thesaurus is a PDF file from the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece. A series of scientists from the Technological Educational

Olive Trees Growing Guide. Book from the University of Agricultural Technology of TEI of Crete, Greece. 292 pages Read More »

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