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Thrip of California

Thrip of California

The California thrips came to Europe from North America, where it originated. It spread very quickly to Greece, and in 1992 it was found for the first time causing serious damage to vines in the Kavala area. Later, in Corinthia, vineyards of the Sultanina variety were repeatedly found to have very serious damage to the […]

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Grape thrip

Grape thrip

The grape thrip is an insect that attacks vine expanding buds, tender shoots, leaves, stems, anthotaxies and generally all tender vegetation. Scientific name: Drepanothrips reuteriOther name: Vine thripsGreek name: Θρίπας αμπέλου Damage Grape thrip attacks developing buds, tender shoots, leaves, pedicels, Anthotaxies and generally any tender vegetation. The larvae pupate the cells and suck out

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Zambrus mainly attacks potatoes, but also other plants of the Solanaceae family (e.g. tomatoes). It also attacks wheat and rye, but is also found on other cereals and other grasses. Scientific name: Zabrus tenebrioidesGreek name: Ζάμπρος Damage The insects, especially the larvae eat the leaves of cereals. Later, the adults (beetles) feed on the spikes

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European grapevine moth

European grapevine moth

European grapevine moth is the most serious entomological problem of vineyards because it destroys flowers and grape berries. It causes a qualitative deterioration in vine raceme due to the excretions and tissues of the larvae and the secondary establishment of other pathogens (botrytis, acid rot) to the affected vines. Scientific name: Lobesia botranaOther name: European

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Grape erineum mite

Grape erineum mite

The grape erineum mite is widespread in the vineyard regions of Greece. Particularly susceptible is the table wine grape variety Razaki, while less susceptible grape varieties are Sultanina and other wine-making varieties. Scientific name: Colomerus vitisOther name: Blister miteGreek name: Ερίνωση Damage Grape erineum mite has 3 races (race of erineum, bud and leaf curl)

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Colorado potato beetle

Colorado potato beetle

Colorado potato beetle insect mainly attacks potatoes, but also other plants of the Solanaceae family (e.g. tomato, pepper, eggplant). Scientific name: Leptinotarsa decemlineataGreek name: Δορυφόρος Damage Colorado potato beetle adults and larvae cause damage to leaves. In severe infestation the leaf disappears and only the nerves and stems remain on the plant. The insect is

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Slugs are found in many crops, e.g. cereals, maize, sugar beet, potatoes, legumes. Other name: Land slugGreek name: Γυμνοσάλιαγκες Damage Slugs while feeding, cause irregular cuts on all above and below ground parts of the plant. Young tender plant tissues are preferred. Eating on seeds and young seedlings results in uneven germination or plant losses.

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Mole cricket

Mole cricket

The mole cricket insect is found on many crops, particularly cereals, potatoes and vegetables. The insect feeds on plant roots, but also on soil organisms and humus. Scientific name: Gryllotalpa gryllotalpaOther names: Gryllotalpa, Onion-eater, Pumpkin-eater, PrasangueraGreek names: Γρυλλοτάλπα ή κρεμμυδοφάγος ή κολοκυθοκόφτης ή πρασάγγουρας Damage Plant are “missing” from the field. Pest The adults are

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European tarnished plant bug

European tarnished plant bug

European tarnished plant bugs are insects that are very often found in the garden and in homes in the summer. They are named after the characteristic foul smell they emit if threatened. Scientific name: Lygus pratensis, Calocoris norvegicus.Greek name: Λύγκος, Καλόκορη Damage The saliva of these insects contains toxic substances, which cause various symptoms in

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Stink bugs infestation

Stink bugs

Stink bugs attack tomatoes, peppers, vines, almond trees, pears, apple trees, apple trees, cherry trees, beans. They are called stink bugs because of the characteristic foul smell they emit when threatened. Scientific name: Lygus pabulinus, L. pratensis, L. rugulipennis, Calocoris sp.Greek name: Βρωμούσες Damage Stink bugs attack tomatoes, peppers, vines, almond trees, pear trees, pear

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Potato aphids

Potato aphids

Potato aphids attack potatoes and many other crops. It is observed that they complete their biological cycle in different hosts. They are usually found on the lower surface of the leaf, where they form colonies. Scientific name: Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aphis nasturtii, A. frangulaeGreek name: Αφίδες πατάτας Damage Potato Aphids are usually found on

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Vegetable aphids

Vegetable aphids

Vegetable aphids consist of several species found in different crop groups. Thus, cucurbits are mainly attacked by Aphis gossypii, tomatoes by Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aulacorthum solani, Aphis fabae, leafy vegetables by Brevicoryne brassicae. Scientific name: Aphis gossypii, Aphis fabae, Myzus persicae, Aulacorthum solani, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Brevicoryne brassicaeGreek name: Vegetable aphids Damage Vegetable aphids are

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Myzus persicae aphids are widespread both in greenhouses and in the fields. Direct damage to plants is usually minimal but this aphid species is a carier for nearly 200 plant viruses. Scientific name: AphidsGreek name: Aphids Common organism Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and other species. Hosts range The host range of Myzus persicae is

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Cotton aphid

Cotton aphid

Cotton aphid attacks all cucurbits (cucumber, melon, pumpkin, watermelon) and the weed Xanthium spinosum. Scientific name: Aphis gossypiiGreek name: Αφίδα βαμβακιού Damage Aphids establish themselves in tender vegetation and form colonies. With favorable conditions they develop large populations. In the field, cotton plants covered with their honeycombs are easy to spot. Aphid’s honeycombs may eventually

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Pygmy mangold beetle

Pygmy mangold beetle

Pygmy mangold beetles mainly attack beets and sugar beets. Scientific name: Atomaria linearisGreek name: Ατομάρια Damage The feeding activity of the insect above and below the surface of the soil, causes small round holes, which then turn black within a few hours. These are also gateways for fungi to enter. Severely damaged seedlings die, so

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Flea beetle

Flea beetle

We encounter the flea beetle insect mainly on beets. The larvae of the insect live below ground and attack plants in the underground part. The adult of the insect cause damage to the aboveground part of the plant. Scientific name: Chaetocnema sp., Haltica sp.Greek name: Άλτης ή ψυλλός Damage Because of the damage to the

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Greenhouse whitefly

Greenhouse whitefly

Greenhouse whitefly attacks many vegetable crops and ornamental plants. Scientific name: Trialeurodes vaporariorum Damage Greenhouse whitefly sucks sap from tender vegetation to feed on. In the older leaves we find the last-stage nymphs. Its nymphs cause discoloration and necrosis while its sticky secretions stain the produce and degrade its value. Enemy The adult has a

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Tobacco whiteflies

Tobacco whiteflies

Tobacco whiteflies suck out plant juices and causes leaves to turn pale and then dry out. It causes damage to plants by feeding on their sap and spreading disease. Scientific name: Bemisia tabaciOther common names: Silverleaf whiteflyGreek name: Αλευρώδης του Καπνού Damage Tobacco whitefly sucks off plant juices and causes paleness in the leaves, which

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Black cutworm

Black cutworm

Black cutworm are found in many crops e.g. beets, corn, potatoes, tobacco, legumes. Scientific name: Agrotis segetum, Agrotis ipsilonOther common names: Dark sword-grass, Greasy cutworm, Floodplain cutworm or Ipsilon dartGreek name: Αγρότιδες, Καραφατμέ, Κοφτοσκούληκα Symptoms When in larvae stage cut young seedlings at the plant’s “neck” (usually above the ground). Leaves in the beginning show indistinct

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