Ilias Antonopoulos

I share my knowledge and experience about gardening, growing vegetables, trees, flowers and recycling. Every day I learn new things. I am experiencing what Greek philosopher Socrates said: "all I know is that I know nothing" ("Εν Οίδα, Ότι Ουδέν Οίδα"). I perceive my self as always a student. I created back in 2010, charmed by the plants magical world. I am a Biomedical Engineer, holding a MSc degree on E-Business. For a living I help businesses to grow online. I am not an agronomist but wish I had also a degree on agronomy. I hope that you will find interesting and helpful information on KALLIERGO.

handbook cherry cultivation Greek

Handbook for cultivation of cherry trees (in Greek) from DDFT and ΕΛΓΟ Δήμητρα

A useful Handbook for cultivating cherry trees. The Department of Deciduous Fruit Trees (DDFT), in cooperation with Ελληνικός Γεωργικός Οργανισμός “Δήμητρα”, taking into account the growing interest of farmers in Greece and the shift of many of them to cherry cultivation, proceeded in 2011 and 2013 to the compilation of a useful Handbook for Cherry […]

Handbook for cultivation of cherry trees (in Greek) from DDFT and ΕΛΓΟ Δήμητρα Read More »

Pierce's disease in grapevines

Pierce’s disease in grapevines

Not only grape vines are infested by Pierce’s disease, but also several other species including olive trees (Olea europaea), almond trees (Prunus amygdalus), oleander (Nerium oleander), citrus trees, peach trees, apricot trees, alfalfa, oak trees (Quercus spp.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), myrtle (Myrtus communis) and ramnus (Ramnus alaternus). Symptoms of Pierce’s disease on grape vines The

Pierce’s disease in grapevines Read More »

tomatoes, peppers, zucchini

Tomato support with reeds – Tomatoes, peppers, zucchini – Produced from your garden

How can tomatoes be supported with reeds? This year’s production in the garden is abundant. Tomatoes, peppers, zucchinis and soon eggplants. This year I listened to the advice of Sofianos, my agronomist friend, and bought seedlings of tomato seedlings of the “Acorn” variety. As Sofianos predicted, the production is abundant and without problems. Bunches of

Tomato support with reeds – Tomatoes, peppers, zucchini – Produced from your garden Read More »

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