Ilias Antonopoulos

I share my knowledge and experience about gardening, growing vegetables, trees, flowers and recycling. Every day I learn new things. I am experiencing what Greek philosopher Socrates said: "all I know is that I know nothing" ("Εν Οίδα, Ότι Ουδέν Οίδα"). I perceive my self as always a student. I created back in 2010, charmed by the plants magical world. I am a Biomedical Engineer, holding a MSc degree on E-Business. For a living I help businesses to grow online. I am not an agronomist but wish I had also a degree on agronomy. I hope that you will find interesting and helpful information on KALLIERGO.

Apple tree - Bending branches to increase fruit production

How to make apple, pear and other trees produce more fruit. Simple and useful secret!

Learn how to increase fruit production on productive trees such as apple and pear trees with this simple technique. It has long been observed that the branches of deciduous productive trees (e.g. apple, pear, peach, lotus, quince, cherry, apricot, etc.), which had a certain slope relative to the trunk, produced more fruit. What was the […]

How to make apple, pear and other trees produce more fruit. Simple and useful secret! Read More »

Expired food. Yes you can eat them.

Can we consume expired foods?

In this article I record my personal experiences of consuming food that had expired (i.e. beyond the stated expiry date).The consumption was either while fresh or after cooking. 10% of the 88 million tonnes of food waste in the European Union ends up in the trash due to misinterpretation of the expiry date The European

Can we consume expired foods? Read More »

Άνθη Αγγουριάς - Αρσενικά και Θηλυκά - Στάδια Ανάπτυξης

Cucumbers – Male and female flowers in cucumbers – How to have lots of cucumbers!

Many people do not know that the cucumber plant has both male and female flowers. With the help of insect pollinators, the female flowers are pollinated by pollen carried to them by the male flowers. It is the female flowers that give us cucumbers. If, for whatever reason, there is no pollination, what we observe

Cucumbers – Male and female flowers in cucumbers – How to have lots of cucumbers! Read More »

Genuine Santorini's tomatoes

The genuine Santorini’s tomatoes for 2022 from my garden

Many people think that authentic Santorini’s tomatoes are small, beautiful round tomatoes. Something like what we know as cherry tomatoes. The reality is very different. Authentic Santorini’s tomatoes are small, ugly looking, bad looking tomatoes. As bad looking as they are, they are delicious!!! In Santorini’s pre-tourist period, the island’s economy was based on the

The genuine Santorini’s tomatoes for 2022 from my garden Read More »

Καλλιεργώ Ηλίας Αντωνόπουλος 2011 και 2022

2022 – 11 years KALLIERGO

2011 started with the a journey into the unknown. Where the unknown was plants, crops, seeds, plant diseases, the garden, flowers, trees, insects, nature itself. John Sadly, it was preceded by the death of my father John in 2008. A turning point that made me go through his records and try to find out

2022 – 11 years KALLIERGO Read More »

Απαγωγή Περσεφόνης από Πλούτωνα - Αμφίπολης

Persephone – Greek goddess of the Underworld, Spring, Flowers and Vegetation – The Greek myth behind the natural theory of vegetation and the agricultural cycle

“Where flix and wild mint grewand the land was sprouting its first cyclamennow peasants bargain for cementand birds fall dead in the blast furnace. Sleep Persephonein the bosom of the earthon the balcony of the worldnever come out again. Where the mystics used to join handsreverently before entering the altarnow the tourists throw cigarette buttsand

Persephone – Greek goddess of the Underworld, Spring, Flowers and Vegetation – The Greek myth behind the natural theory of vegetation and the agricultural cycle Read More »

Τσάπα Αυλακιών και Μεταλλικό Πατόφτυαρο

Easy digging in the garden – Trench how and metal shovel – Two tools that make digging in the garden an easy task!

Garden means soil. And dirt means digging! Digging is one of the most common tasks in the garden. And it’s not an easy job! See how it can be made easier with the right tools. Two tools that have helped me a lot in the garden Next, I’ll introduce you to the two tools that

Easy digging in the garden – Trench how and metal shovel – Two tools that make digging in the garden an easy task! Read More »

Ιδανικός Κήπος Garden Toons

What is the ideal garden? A beautiful garden as a living room or a functional and useful garden?

We find out what the ideal garden type is.Garden types. A historical journey through the gardens of modern Greece and their use.What is the ideal garden type and why. Our opinion on what the ideal garden is is pretty much a personal matter. Some people want to have a beautiful garden where everything is neat

What is the ideal garden? A beautiful garden as a living room or a functional and useful garden? Read More »

Τριανταφυλλιές Πολλαπλασιασμός

6 methods for rose propagation

If you want to create new rose plants from some rose plants you already have, you should check out the propagation methods shown in this video. The first 3 methods are simple and can be applied by all amateur growers. If you have one or more rose bushes in your garden that make big, beautiful,

6 methods for rose propagation Read More »

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