Ilias Antonopoulos

I share my knowledge and experience about gardening, growing vegetables, trees, flowers and recycling. Every day I learn new things. I am experiencing what Greek philosopher Socrates said: "all I know is that I know nothing" ("Εν Οίδα, Ότι Ουδέν Οίδα"). I perceive my self as always a student. I created back in 2010, charmed by the plants magical world. I am a Biomedical Engineer, holding a MSc degree on E-Business. For a living I help businesses to grow online. I am not an agronomist but wish I had also a degree on agronomy. I hope that you will find interesting and helpful information on KALLIERGO.

Reseda alba L.

Plant identification – What is the name of the plant growing in your garden?

If you are like me, then your garden is full of plants (weeds) all year round. These plants usually don’t have a name until we manage to identify them. We just call them weeds without knowing their possible useful and interesting properties.. But if we look at them carefully, they have such different physiological characteristics! […]

Plant identification – What is the name of the plant growing in your garden? Read More »

Πορτοκαλιά - Μπόλιασμα Νερατζιάς με μάτι

Grafting / Staking of sour orange tree in orange with a bud. One of the best grafting techniques for fruit trees

Do you want to graft a sour orange tree in orange tree? This is probably the best bud grafting technique for orange trees and fruit trees in general that I have come across. I’m sure you’ll find many instructions and videos describing various techniques for bud grafting into orange trees. So do I. I’ve watched

Grafting / Staking of sour orange tree in orange with a bud. One of the best grafting techniques for fruit trees Read More »

ΑΠΕ - Ερωτήσεις

Planet of the Humans the movie: Are Renewable Energy Sources (Wind Turbines, Photovoltaics, Biomass) the solution? Why are investment funds investing in Renewable Energy and using environmental organizations to manipulate public opinion?

Are renewable energy sources (wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, natural gas, biomass) really green solutions and will they save the planet from climate change? To what extent can wind turbines and photovoltaic panels provide enough electricity? Are some environmental organisations serving big interests and being used to manipulate public opinion by spreading deliberately misleading messages? Why

Planet of the Humans the movie: Are Renewable Energy Sources (Wind Turbines, Photovoltaics, Biomass) the solution? Why are investment funds investing in Renewable Energy and using environmental organizations to manipulate public opinion? Read More »

Ελληνικές Κλωστές Μουζάκης

Greek Threads from “El. D. Mouzakis S.A.” – Greek Mouzakis Company, Greek cotton producers

You may wonder, what made you to post a picture of threads? These threads are an “inheritance” from my grandmother. Purchased between 1970 and 1980. And what about these you’re gonna tell me? They are simply the best threads I have ever seen and Greek made by El. D. Mouzakis S.A.. They are so strong,

Greek Threads from “El. D. Mouzakis S.A.” – Greek Mouzakis Company, Greek cotton producers Read More »

Γλυκατζή Αρβελέρ - Βυζαντιολόγος

I learn every day. Byzantine expressions that we still use today

“ΕΦΑΓΑ ΤΟΝ ΠΕΡΙΔΡΟΜΟ” “ΕΦΑΓΑ ΤΟΝ ΠΕΡΙΔΡΟΜΟ” has to do with Byzantium.Byzantine dishes were deep and had an enclosure called a peridromo. So when they put the soup in and it overflowed into the circumference… you ate up to the circumference. “ΤΑ ΠΑΙΖΩ ΣΤΑ ΔΑΧΤΥΛΑ” In the Byzantine school children were taught arithmetic on their fingers

I learn every day. Byzantine expressions that we still use today Read More »

Πιλότοι του US Navy περιγράφουν συναντήσεις με UFO

What did we learn about UAPs (UFOs) from the report released on 25 June 2021?

Are there aliens? Have alien vehicles been recorded in Earth’s skies? What do leaked videos of US Navy pilots recording unidentified objects with unusual flight characteristics, no wings and an unknown propulsion system show? The long-awaited report on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) was released on June 25, 2021 by the Office of Director of National

What did we learn about UAPs (UFOs) from the report released on 25 June 2021? Read More »

Πυγολαμπίδα στον κήπο

Firefly (insect)

As a child I often saw insects called fireflies or “kolofoties – κολοφωτιές” as they were called by the older ones. In the darkness, it was very impressive and almost eerie to see little lights among the grasses. Like stars falling to earth. The fireflies, immediately attracted attention, as they were something unexpected. Light in

Firefly (insect) Read More »

Μυωπία στα παιδιά. Γιατί αυξάνει.

Why myopia increases in children. The relationship with the garden, the sun and nature will surprise you!

Myopia is a condition of the eyes in which you cannot see clearly in the distance. In high degrees of myopia it can lead to blindness or other serious eye diseases. Since 2010, there has been an epidemic of myopia in children in East and Southeast Asia, but also in Europe and America where the

Why myopia increases in children. The relationship with the garden, the sun and nature will surprise you! Read More »

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