Ilias Antonopoulos

I share my knowledge and experience about gardening, growing vegetables, trees, flowers and recycling. Every day I learn new things. I am experiencing what Greek philosopher Socrates said: "all I know is that I know nothing" ("Εν Οίδα, Ότι Ουδέν Οίδα"). I perceive my self as always a student. I created back in 2010, charmed by the plants magical world. I am a Biomedical Engineer, holding a MSc degree on E-Business. For a living I help businesses to grow online. I am not an agronomist but wish I had also a degree on agronomy. I hope that you will find interesting and helpful information on KALLIERGO.


Why so many people prefer their mobile phone, Facebook or Instagram instead of gardening or learning?

You have surely noticed the thousands of people who all day long are with a mobile phone in their hand. They’re texting, uploading photos, waiting for replies. And they are very happy with this process. So happy, they are now addicted. Not a word about any other activity Tell them to garden, to farm, to

Why so many people prefer their mobile phone, Facebook or Instagram instead of gardening or learning? Read More »


Garden man

The garden man is not an exceptional kind of person. He is not perfect. He is not sinless. He is not ideal. He does not know everything. He is a simple man who, under certain circumstances or luck, has rediscovered that the earth is not just to be trodden on or covered with cement. It

Garden man Read More »

Κορονοϊός Απολύμανση με Σπιτικά Υλικά

Household products that can be used as disinfectants for Coronavirus COVID-19 – Truths and Myths

Disinfection and cleaning in the home should be done daily as one of our protection measures against COVID-19 and as one of our contributions to making it harder to spread. The ideal products for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces inside the home, and our hands, are the certified disinfecting products and wipes for this use that

Household products that can be used as disinfectants for Coronavirus COVID-19 – Truths and Myths Read More »


January-February. Gardening Calendar

January-February works in the Garden. The work we do in the garden in January and February. January and February are relatively quiet months in the garden. For more detailed information you can also see the articles: Vegetable garden Grapevine Trees, shrubs and climbing trees Perennial herbaceous plants Seasonally Turf, Sod Tropical Fruitful Ecological gardening Acidophilous

January-February. Gardening Calendar Read More »


March-April. Gardening Calendar

March-April Works in the Garden. March and April are the first months of spring. We have a lot of work to do in the garden! Vegetable Garden Grapevine Trees, shrubs and climbing trees Perennial herbaceous plants Seasonal and Coniferous Turf, Sod Tropical Fruitful Ecological gardening Acidophilous plants Cacti and succulents Palms Ponds NOTE: Please read

March-April. Gardening Calendar Read More »


May-June. Gardening Calendar

May-June works in the Garden. Spring is ending and we are entering the first month of summer. The garden is in one of its most productive phases. We have a lot of work to do! Vegetable Garden Grapevine Trees, shrubs and climbers Perennial herbaceous plants Seasonal and Bulbous Turf, sod Tropical Fruitful Ecological gardening Acidophilous

May-June. Gardening Calendar Read More »


July-August. Gardening Calendar

July-August Works in the Garden. The summer is at its peak. The days are long and hot. The temperature is rising. The plants and garden need frequent watering and special care. Vegetable garden Grapevine Trees, shrubs and climbers Perennial herbaceous plants Seasonal and Voluptuous Lawn Tropical Fruitful Ecological gardening Αcidophilous plants Cacti and succulents Palms

July-August. Gardening Calendar Read More »


November-December. Gardening Calendar

November-December works in the Garden. We are beginning to have the first harvests of winter vegetables. We are picking up the fallen leaves and throwing them into the compost bin to turn them into fertilizer. November and December are productive months in the garden! Vegetable garden Grapevine Trees, shrubs and climbers Perennial herbaceous plants Seasonal

November-December. Gardening Calendar Read More »

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