Ilias Antonopoulos

I share my knowledge and experience about gardening, growing vegetables, trees, flowers and recycling. Every day I learn new things. I am experiencing what Greek philosopher Socrates said: "all I know is that I know nothing" ("Εν Οίδα, Ότι Ουδέν Οίδα"). I perceive my self as always a student. I created back in 2010, charmed by the plants magical world. I am a Biomedical Engineer, holding a MSc degree on E-Business. For a living I help businesses to grow online. I am not an agronomist but wish I had also a degree on agronomy. I hope that you will find interesting and helpful information on KALLIERGO.

Grafting Vines to Change Variety

In the cottage my father had put a lot of wine grapes that he had brought from the Cyclades, Greek islands. Wine grapes produce grapes that are essentially suitable for the production of wine. In the small vineyard, among the vines, he had also put in some table grape varieties that produce delicious, sweet and […]

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συγκομιδή σταφυλιών

How to Make Must from Grapes

August is the season when the grape picking begins in most areas of Greece. In many areas, it extends into September or even October depending on the variety. This is the time to enjoy the fruits of the vine. It is the time when the efforts of the year will be justified. The vine that

How to Make Must from Grapes Read More »

Πως Φυτεύω Γυμνόριζα Δέντρα

How to plant bare root trees

“How do I plant bare root trees?” a friend asked me the other day. Suitable bare root trees for this kind of planting are woody fruit trees and ornamental deciduous trees, such as: Almond trees, Peach trees, Cherry trees, Pear trees, Constantine Acacia, Linden (Linden) trees, Mulberry trees, Maple trees, etc. These are the trees

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wood stove and firewood

Wood stove and flue pipes. Tips. Positioning, length, slopes, angles, cleaning, construction materials, firewood

This article describes what I learned from experiencing problems with the wood stove and the flue pipes. What I learned about stoves, logs and firewood. At our cottage we have been using a cast iron wood stove for heating for many years. The wood stove heats effectively if set up correctly and is economical. Length

Wood stove and flue pipes. Tips. Positioning, length, slopes, angles, cleaning, construction materials, firewood Read More »

Ημερολόγιο Σποράς

Planting Calendar: When to sow and plant vegetables and herbs When I first decided to start gardening and growing my own food, I was lost. I didn’t know anything. And mostly I didn’t know which is the right time to sow and plant each vegetable and herb. I was missing a sowing calendar. I was

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tears of a pruned grape vine

Grape vine pruning

January and February are the months when the pruning of grape vines is usually done. Pruning the vines is intended to do two things: In mature vines, the two pruning operations coexist. In young vines, the pruning for forming the shape takes precedence. It is proven that a vine bears fruit when it is pruned

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The farmer and his children - Aesop myth

The Farmer and his Children – Let’s make a new start in Greece (before or after bankruptcy)

You didn’t have to be smart, brilliant, wise, educated, or an economist to understand that the “Greek Miracle” would have an expiration date and soon and tragically so. Those who were elementally prudent and those who were not blinded by too much and easy money watched with horror and anguish the changes in Greek society

The Farmer and his Children – Let’s make a new start in Greece (before or after bankruptcy) Read More »

Ιανουάριος Εργασίες στον Κήπο

January works in the garden

January is a quiet month in the garden. We can’t offer much to our gardens or fields. However, there are some things we can do, either to protect against the cold and frost, or because it is the season to do some cultivation or planting. Also, it’s a great opportunity to take advantage of the

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Water pipe cracks from frost in cold winter days

What to do to prevent the water pipes from cracking from the frost. Tips for dealing with frost in the garden and cottage

What can I do to prevent the water pipes from bursting from the frost in cold winter days? This question is on our minds every time we have a frost and the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius. The water pipes will freeze When we have freezing conditions the water pipes in the garden freeze

What to do to prevent the water pipes from cracking from the frost. Tips for dealing with frost in the garden and cottage Read More »

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