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July-August. Gardening Calendar


July-August Works in the Garden. The summer is at its peak. The days are long and hot. The temperature is rising. The plants and garden need frequent watering and special care.

Vegetable garden


  • Mildew sprouts (as the harvest season approaches, they need special attention and good timing)
  • Preservation of grapes until the harvest

Trees, shrubs and climbers

  • Remove ‘finished’ flowers and dead branches
  • Remove weeds from plant pits by hoeing or weeding
  • Prune formed shrubs and plant hedges to maintain their shape
  • Remove stragglers and ‘greedy’ shoots
  • Renew the ties of plants to their supports
  • Regularly check euphoniums, roses, begonias and lilacs to prevent mildew infestations

Perennial herbaceous plants

  • On bimorphophytes, corkwoods, geraniums, pelargoniums and cottonwoods, regularly remove dead flowers and leaves with scissors. This helps them to flower again

Seasonal and Voluptuous

  • On bulbs whose flowering is complete, cut off the dried flowers with their stems but not the leaves
  • Continue watering as normal
  • This is the right time to collect the seeds from those we had left to sow, such as dogwood, violet or pansies
  • We sow the seasonal ones that will bloom in spring


  • We adjust its watering for summer conditions
  • Watering should be done in the early morning or late afternoon
  • Mow regularly and not too low
  • Do not fertilise
  • We can aerate the soil
  • We regularly clear weeds either with herbicides applied locally or with weeding, which is preferable
  • If we wish to install new turf, we can sow only the thermophilic species, or lay ready-made turf using the sodding method


  • As long as the climatic conditions allow, we can install plants such as banana, bird of paradise (Strelitzia sp.), formania (Phormium sp.) and many others in our garden
  • Those found on terraces and balconies, and even in the city, will need regular cleaning of their leaves with cotton and water to remove dust
  • Lightly fertilize every 2 weeks or so


  • Water and prune regularly

Ecological gardening

  • We use kitchen and pruning waste in the compost heap
  • We weed the lawn

Αcidophilous plants

  • Gardenias and camellias suffer from the heat. Spray the leaves regularly with water.

Cacti and succulents

  • Continue fertilizing with nitrogen-poor formulations


  • On all palm trees and cycads, we remove the dry or diseased leaves
  • Take care of their watering
  • Prune under certain conditions at the end of August


  • We put their mechanical parts into operation 1-2 times
  • We spray the leaves to get rid of insects
  • Divide the water lilies
  • Watch out for aphids

NOTE: Please read carefully. Please read carefully. There may be variation due to microclimate or climatic changes. Please consult your agronomist.

Source: Garden & Garden Book. Garden and Veranda – Taxiarchis Andritsopoulos, Nikos Thymakis – Publications Ath. Stamoulis


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