Home » Garden Experiences » Home Composting Guide from E1 class of the Karpenisi, Greece, Primary School

Home Composting Guide from E1 class of the Karpenisi, Greece, Primary School

Home Composting Guide

Creating compost for use in the garden and pots is a topic that interests us all. The fact that we can use household waste that would otherwise end up in the landfill, as well as materials from the garden (leaves, twigs, grass, fruit, etc.) to make our own compost is fascinating.

Sometimes you find treasures where you least expect it.

Mr. C. Youlis, informed me of the existence of a 33-page paper that the children of the E1 class of the Karpenisi, Greece, Primary School had done in 2009 on the subject:

Quality of life in our city
Composting at home
Household waste management
Home composting

Teacher in charge: Kyriakos Fysseas

I have found it appropriate and useful to make available this remarkable work. You can download the assignment in PDF format from the bottom of the article.


If your school also has a worthwhile paper on garden and crops, please contact me.

Home Composting Guide

Quality of life in our city – Composting at home. Household waste management, home composting (2nd Primary School of Karpenisi, Greece Class E1)


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