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The artichokes in September

Αγκινάρςς Σεπτέμβριος

Aha!! The magic artichokes in September!

Surely you know that until 200-400 years ago, artichokes were only the privilege of kings in Europe. They were grown in the royal gardens.

True to their appointment, at the beginning of September, they began to sprout leaves again. The hitherto dry plants came to life again.

The summer dormancy period is over.

As every September, the artichokes did not betray me this year. For over 20 years they have been there and producing.

They have awakened, and new plants are starting to grow.

For my part, I’ll be tending to them with good digging and incorporating manure and compost.

Projected harvest, May 2021.

Artichokes are one of the plants we plant during Fall.


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