Home » In the Garden » I transplant seedlings (Broccoli, Cabbage) in the garden

I transplant seedlings (Broccoli, Cabbage) in the garden

Μεταφυτεύω Σπορόφυτα (Μπρόκολα, Λάχανα)

In this article I describe how I transplant seedlings (Broccoli, Cabbage) in the garden.

Yesterday I bought seedlings from the local nursery store. I got broccoli and cabbage. I selected the seedlings to be healthy and with a well developed root system.

Choose healthy seedlings
Choose healthy seedlings

Because watering will be done automatically, I first spread the watering hose out in the space available to me.

The watering hose is a Greek product (from Eurodrip). I used a drip hose of cross-section 16mm (Φ16) with an equidistance (drip spacing) of 33 cm.

By spreading the tube first, I can open the pits where I will put the seedlings, at the places where the drippers are located.

I open the pit to place the seedlings
I open the pit to place the seedlings

The pit is under the dripper of the irrigation pipe
The pit is under the dripper of the irrigation pipe

I poured some 15-15-17 fertilizer into the pit to help the plant find nutrients easily.

I pour some fertilizer into the pit
I pour some fertilizer into the pit

I put the seedling into the pit and cover the gaps with soil. With my palms, I press the soil so that it sits firmly. Using soil, I support the stem of the seedling so that it is upright.

I put soil around the seedling and support it
I put soil around the seedling and support it

Then I put some extra fertilizer around the plant. Make sure it is at least 1.5 to 2 cm away from the stem and root.

Pour fertilizer around the plant
Pour fertilizer around the plant

Next, I poured water with a watering can around each seedling.

From here on out, nature takes over. In two to three months we will have a harvest!

Photo of last year's broccoli production
Photo of last year’s broccoli production


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