Home » Leeks



Plant characteristics

Plant Type:

  • Vegetables
  • Annual

Sunlight Requirements (where to plant related to sun)

  • Full Sun
  • Full Sun or Partially Shade

Soil Type (type of soil plant needs)

  • Soil with Good Drainage

Climate Type (how tollerant is to frost?)

  • Withstands Frost

Fragrant Plant (do flowers have an aroma?)

  • No Fragrant Flowers

Difficulty Level (how hard is to cultivate this plant?)

  • Easy

Showing Season (which months can we sow seeds)

  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November

Planting Season (which months can we plant or transplant)

  • September
  • October
  • November

How to grow Leeks

Leeks are a wonderful vegetable. They can be grown even in difficult soils. You can cook them or make pie like leek pie (πρασόπιτα in Greek).

Other names for leeks

Latin name: Allium porrum. Alliaceae family
Greek name: Πράσο (single), Πράσα (plural)

Tips for growing leeks

Start leek from seeds

Leek seeds can be sown directly in the garden or in a nursery at home.

In the garden, sow the seeds at a depth of 1 cm and at a distance of 10 to 20 cm. Seeds will germinate in 8 to 16 days, depending on the soil temperature.

Transplanting leek seedlings

The seedlings are ready for transplanting when they reach a height of 20 cm.

When transplanting them, make sure that the first joint of the leaves is not covered.

Best soil for leeks

Leeks prefer soft, nutrient-rich soil. The soil should be well dug, at least 15 cm deep, because that is about how deep the leeks’ roots will reach.

Irrigating leeks

Be sure to water the leeks regularly. They love water.

When to harvest leeks

Leeks are ready for harvesting when they have a diameter at the base equal to or greater than 2 cm.

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