Home » Trees » Fruit Tree Grafting – Compatibility Guide – What tree can we graft on what?

Fruit Tree Grafting – Compatibility Guide – What tree can we graft on what?

Μπόλιασμα Οπωροφόρων Δέντρων. Οδηγός Συμβατότητας

Below is a practical guide to which fruit tree you can graft onto which other tree.

E.g. graft a quince tree to a pear tree, a pear tree to a muskmelon tree, a water chestnut tree to a lemon, orange, kumquat or other citrus tree. The combinations are many and useful.

Before grafting a fruit tree, that is, applying any type of graft to a fruit tree, it is important to know a little about the compatibility between different fruit trees that we can use to make the grafting successful.

We cannot graft just any tree to just any other tree. There are rules of compatibility that we must follow.

Obviously, the ideal is above all to graft trees that are of the same family, i.e. one variety of apple tree to another variety of apple tree.

The best rootstocks will be trees grown from seed.

Another rule for successful grafting is to graft trees of the same genus.

This rule, however, has some very specific exceptions.

Such as cherry and sour cherry trees, which although belonging to the genus Prunus, are not compatible with other species of the genus Prunus. For example, cherry and sour cherry trees are not compatible with almond, peach and apricot trees, even though they all belong to the genus Prunus.

Cuttings from trees of different families, although sometimes able to germinate, are quickly rejected by the rootstock.

Without further delay I give you the list of the compatibility of fruit trees for propagation by cuttings.

Fruit tree grafting compatibility guide

Almond grafting

An almond tree can be grafted to:

  • Almond tree of another variety
  • Peach
  • Apricot
  • Plum
  • Nectarine
  • Chapurnia (Also known as: Wild plum, Blackthorn)

Orange tree grafting

An orange tree can be grafted in:

  • Orange tree of another variety
  • Tangerine
  • Lemon tree
  • Other varieties of orange, other orange, other orange, other orange, other orange
  • Other citrus fruits in general

Pear grafting

A pear tree can be grafted on:

  • Pear of another variety
  • Quince tree
  • Muscovy
  • (Also known as: (also known as: Murcia or Tricot or Bourbouzelia or Blond Chapurnia or Tsiatchia, Xantha)

Peach grafting

A peach tree can be grafted to:

  • Peach of another variety
  • Almond tree
  • Nectarine
  • Plum
  • Apricot
  • Chapurnia (Blackthorn)

Nectarine grafting

A nectarine tree can be grafted in:

  • Nectarines of another variety
  • Almond tree
  • Peach
  • Plum
  • Apricot
  • Blackthorn (Blackthorn)

Plum grafting

A plum tree can be grafted on:

  • Plum of another variety
  • Almond tree
  • Peach tree
  • Apricot
  • Blackthorn
  • Nectarine (Paraguayan, Prunus Persica)

Cydonia grafting

A quince tree can be grafted on:

  • Quince of another variety
  • Pear tree
  • Muscovy
  • (Also known as: (also known as: Moorberry or Tricot or Bourbouzelia or Blond Chapurnia or Chiaccia, Xantha)

Bericot grafting

A Vericot tree can be grafted into:

  • Apricot of another variety
  • Almond tree
  • Plum tree
  • Peach
  • Blackthorn
  • Nectarine

Grafted Chabournia

A Chapurnea (Blackthorn) tree can be grafted to:

  • Apricot
  • Almond
  • Blackthorn
  • Peach
  • Nectarine

Lemon grafting

A lemon tree can be grafted to:

  • Lemon tree of another variety
  • Neranberry
  • Mandarinia
  • Frapa
  • Other citrus fruits in general

Cultivation of Sour Orange Tree

A nerangia tree can be grafted on:

  • Orange tree of another variety
  • Orange tree
  • Lemon tree
  • Mandarin orange, other orange or other varieties
  • Frappa
  • Other citrus fruit in general

Mandarin grafting

A tangerine tree can be grafted to:

  • Tangerine of another variety
  • Nerantjarias
  • Lemon tree
  • Frapa
  • Other citrus fruits in general

Grafting on kumquats

Kumquat, limequat and citrangequat can be grafted onto any other citrus, especially lemon and Poncirus trifoliata.

Good luck!!!!

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