Home » Trees » Handbook for cultivation of cherry trees (in Greek) from DDFT and ΕΛΓΟ Δήμητρα

Handbook for cultivation of cherry trees (in Greek) from DDFT and ΕΛΓΟ Δήμητρα

handbook cherry cultivation Greek

A useful Handbook for cultivating cherry trees. The Department of Deciduous Fruit Trees (DDFT), in cooperation with Ελληνικός Γεωργικός Οργανισμός “Δήμητρα”, taking into account the growing interest of farmers in Greece and the shift of many of them to cherry cultivation, proceeded in 2011 and 2013 to the compilation of a useful Handbook for Cherry Cultivation.

This Handbook makes reference to the current situation of cherry cultivation in the world, Europe and Greece, summarizes the prospects and gives some guidelines for the selection of cultivation system, rootstocks and varieties, the final choice of which is left to the criterion and needs of the growers.

Also listed are useful cherry fertilization-nutrient and plant protection programs, which are intended to raise suspicions and questions among growers at specific phenological stages or time intervals and not to replace the responsible agronomists of the growing areas.


This publication is a thoughtful piece of work that deserves congratulations. I hope there will be a follow-up.

Download the Cherry Cultivation Handbook

You can download in PDF format (1.8MB) the Cherry Cultivation Handbook (in Greek).

Scientific Editors

Konstantinos Kazantzis, Agronomist
Hatzicharisis Ioannis, Former Researcher of the National Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences


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